About Daphne

daphne-headerAbout Daphne

I am a Belfast-based freelance journalist and feature writer with a particular interest in travel writing, particularly cultural, adventure and activity-based travel. I also write articles on lifestyle and holisitic health issues. I have over 20 years experience in journalism and have worked as a reporter and/or subeditor in a number of regional and daily newspapers including the Belfast News Letter, Irish News, Belfast Telegraph and Irish Mirror. Other work experience includes a subeditor post in the Express and Star in Wolverhampton for 18 months.  My educational background includes an honours degree in modern literature and a masters degree in Anglo-Irish literature. I also hold an NVQ4 in news and feature writing.  I enjoy creative writing and have had poems and short stories published in various publications and journals over the years. I currently write for a number of newspapers and magazines in Ireland, the UK and the US.